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Some female spiders kill their mates after sex. It's a cruel joke that they, in turn, are then eaten by their offspring.

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Modern medicine takes hereditary factors into consideration when making a diagnosis.

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 CC___)     (__/__) would like to congratulate the People's Republic of China on the achievement of an important milestone in their Chang'e space exploration programme. In honour of this great day, we dug into Chinese mythology and came up with a short sketch about the moon Goddess Chang'e who is said to live on the moon, in exile.
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The plot of 'Breaking Bad', had it been set in Europe, would have been a disappointingly short one.
Lives x 3  Points 0000000

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A regular platformer.

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There is no one good side of the road to drive on (as long as all participants of the transportation system reach consensus). In Europe and the USA people drive on the right side of the road (and the steering wheel of most cars is on the left side) while in Australia and many Asian countries people drive on the left side of the road (and the steering wheel is on the right side of the car).

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When a character dies in a movie, the actor still has to play the corpse. One of my hobbies is to stop breathing or eye-movement in his acting.

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You know those restaurants that forbid you from bringing your own food, drinks or that won't let dogs inside. Same thing in China, but it's only about the food.

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Free will is the ability of agents to make choices unconstrained by certain factors.

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Men think simple